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Anchor 2


Producer/Audio Engineer/ Host
Not a Starchild and not quite a Starman. Zel is the de facto leader of the Alien Theorists Theorizing Podcast. Producer and head sound Engineer, he makes the Theorists voices sound like golden choir bells dipped in honey. When he’s not tweaking levels and making tracks, Zel is leading you down the rabbit hole with Big Money conspiracies and concocting plots to overthrow the New World Order

Content Creator/Host
The man on the Wall, Braden keeps the Long Night at bay while keeping his eyes on the skies for Aurora Borealis. On his time away from the North you might find Braden in the mobile ATT “Bigfoot” camper searching the Pacific Northwest to have a beer with a certain hairy biped known to roam those parts. If you’re really lucky, you’ll catch him after the Meat Draw bringing the finest quality beef to the ATT BBQ.

Medical Expert/ Host
Podcast Resident medical expert and Detroit Lions fan, Andrew has seen more than his fair share of weirdness having to do with the human body. He’s a man on a mission to make sick gainz and melt some brainz with creepy stories and wild experiences he’s had while working the night shift. If it’s got to do with saving lives he’s the man to call. If it has to do with ghosts, lose his number because he’s out the door!
Working on his unified theory of the weird, Dan brings the heat with intel and research. Never one to leave you in the dark, Dan will illuminate your world with theories and science! Throwing out facts and numbers like a data ninja he tries to keep the Theorists grounded and in the know about the wild and wonderful world of weird. When he’s not using his laser focus to carve out interesting information for the Theorists you’ll find him poring over D&D lore or locked into a good sci-fi/fantasy read
Anchor 4


Anchor 5
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